White butterflies


I drew this tree especially for October 12,which was my brother’s birthday and also the day of his funeral. We shared a love of trees, so this Inktober series was a fitting tribute. This one is a tree from whence a flight of white butterflies escape. In Norse Mythology, white butterflies are the souls Of the departed,  in other mythologies they are angels watching over you, in Native American myth they are the carriers of dreams.

More Inktober trees


The reading tree. My favorite so far. It s so tempting to stop and sit beneath a tree with a good book.



The gnome tree is an attempt to free my drawing. I m happy with the results. I really need the freedom in drawing, it.s my quest, to draw freely and be sure of my lines.

Inktober trees


Inktober started on Oct 1 and runs through the end of the month. The challenge, which is personal, is to do an ink drawing a day. The purpose is to discipline the artist into doing a drawing a day, and also to work on improving skills. I am also finding it enriching as well as slightly depressing to see other artist’s work. There’s is so much incredible talent out there it is humbling, which I admit is a more grown up word than depressing!

There are daily prompts in case you need the extra push, but I chose to do trees, and to add to my collection of tree drawings and musings.

We’ll always have Pittsburg!


It’s really nice having help, especially from my daughter, someone I know so well and who knows me just as well.

We understand each other, we can work together. It was really lovely having her here, so willing to do whatever was needed

and coming up with great ideas to make things better or easier.  It was a lovely, relaxing week because of her.

Pittsburg, you might ask. well, we laughed a lot over Pittsburg, where I don t think either one of us has ever been.

Pitts burg just sounded a lot like Spitsberg… Spitsbergen actually, that place nearest the North pole, where our thoughts drifted

in the incredible heat that took over Kingston the week she was here.