Vang Vien

IMG_0803After 4 hours on the VIP bus, I arrived in Vang Vien and set out to look for a hotel.  I’ d read up on the possibilities on the bus on the way up. I rolled my case along sidewalks and streets… it’s actually pretty sturdy for all the abuse it is getting, but holding up in true Eagle Creek fashion!  Domon hotel was at the end of a street and well located along the river. When I entered and faced this view, I knew I’ d found home for a couple of days at least.  The view on the Karsts was breathtaking, this is just a small portion!


The next day the market spread out along the street on whitish tarps covered in fabulous ingredients.  I wished I had a kitchen to sample and try out recipes. Of course Laos cuisine sounds varied and tasty and readily available but as a vegetarian local dishes are restricted.  My choice of course, and who knows if I d be a vegetarian if I lived here, their rapport with their food is so much more human than ours. I doubt anything here comes from western food industry with it’s wasteful, cruel practices.


These last two are from my sketchbook. Street scene. I really liked the mom and kids on their way to the market.


On motorbikes or on bicycles many riders carry umbrellas for shade. I’m not sure I could handle the added  challenge but it’s pretty common here!


IMG_0802 This is the courtyard at Nali Manphu, the hotel where I stayed in Vientiane. The was definitely an air of romance in it’s arches and wicker furniture. It was aging a bit yet very comfortable, friendly and welcoming and offered a lovely breakfast for the price. Nice intro to Laos.

IMG_0800Across the way, I had dinner at Xag Khoo restaurant,  french really, in spite of the name.  That evening there was entertainment. He sang mostly in Laotian and a couple in French. Nice evening for my first day in Laos!


Tout en espérant une meilleure performance de mon ordi, j’ai quand même réussi a monté ces quelques images d’une soirée vraiment très agréable.  Un groupe super sympa, un rock formidable. Ils revenaient de tournée qui j’espère était à la hauteur de leurs talents.  En tout cas les soirées sur le patio de Musiikki savent faire vibrer!
Wild wildernessWilderness 2 copyWilderness 2

Evening magic!

garden magic 1

The last couple of evenings, the garden has been magical.  Fireflies took over the wild and crazy chaos and twinkled everywhere at once.  I sat on the steps and watched enchanted.  What a show!  After a long delighted while I went in to draw and paint the moment.  The pilot in me added the little wings at the feet, because, even fairies need a rudder to fly through the night!

Some Musiikki sketches

Musiikki 15.06 Musiikki passenger 1 Musiikki passenger Musiikki 8.06  Mussikkii is a small cafe, and I mean small, in Kingston, Ontario.

It has become a hang out for me when I am in Kingston.  A place to sit and sketch surrounded with some of the loveliest people in the city.  Monday nights they host a fabulous Jazz band who welcome other musicians to join them in the tiny place that serves for a stage.  Musiikki is more bar than cafe, whiskey bar actually, but they serve coffee and tea and chocolate.   I just sketch and I love that I am not alone with the sketch pad.