Bird in a boom

The reefing system on Tiki-Chéri was quite stiff.  It was when my sail tore, and I had to take it down to have it repaired  and then had to re-install it that I tackled trying to free the reefing system.  My new slip neighbour, who also has an Island Packet came over to help.  It turns out the system was plugged by a huge amount of nest material: twigs, grasses, fluffs, strings, even bits of  fishing line.   There’s still some nest material in there, as every time I pull on a reef, a little bit of material blows out.  The tangible result of the experience is that since then, the charm of the song of birds has significantly changed for me. I’ve plugged the end of the boom as well as the reefing gate , but yet their song makes me nervous, and I rush out of bed to protect my boom!


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