Art with toast and egg



kind of missing sailing this morning!

















I wasn’t totally happy with Sunrise, so I thought it was probably time to go fishing and meditate on the project to renew my inspiration.

Gone fishing!


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Little Red Riding Hood

fullsizeoutput_757You probably already know the story.  it’s about a little girl who had a little red hooded cape, which she wore all the time, just like any other super heroine.

One day her mother asked her to take a basket of sweet rolls and a pot of fresh butter to her grandmother who lived on the other side of the forest.

She warned her not to stray from the path, because the woods were thick and dark and wild animals like the wolf roamed free there.  None would bother her she said, so long as little Red stayed on the path and out of their homes in the deep dark forest.

Little red was sure she could do that!

fullsizeoutput_75aSo off she went skipping and dancing and  singing along the path through the woods, picking lovely flowers to bring her grandma a bouquet.  The thing was, she forgot things a bit because the loveliest flowers were closer to the woods than to the path and the most colourful were in the forest itself.

                      fullsizeoutput_75dWell eventually, she met a wolf.  The wolf,  sniffing the basket from which the                            wonderful scent of rolls escaped, asked Little red where she was going.   Little Red explained that she was taking the basket to her grandmother who lived at the end of the path, on the other side of the forest.

                        The wolf walked Little Red back to the path and they parted company.


So little Red went on her way, picking flowers and singing happy songs, and the wolf ran as fast as he could to Grandma’s house.


Meanwhile, somewhere in the forest, a woodcutter heard some rustling and surmised a wolf was running , he thought, towards grandma’s house.


So naturally, he too set off in the direction of Grandma’s house.

Much later,  Little Red Riding Hood finally arrived at her Grandma’s house.


When she came in the door, she found grandma, the wolf and the woodcutter having tea together discussing forest conservation, animal protection and since they were all getting quite hungry, they welcomed the wonderful scent of fresh baking coming from Little Red’s basket.


It was a very happy reunion.  They talked and drank tea and all of mom’s delicious rolls disappeared in no time.

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Deep thought

Taking stock today;  I realised I have 2 countries, 2 passports, 2 languages, 2 kids, and a double first name.  I think that’s what you call a double life!

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Winter in the cold!


Just practicing for moving onto my sailboat. I need some upperbody work and the Y has just the thing. I’m going for eco-friendly with the added bonus of no chance of tipping over!

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