About port captains

8EF83EAA-BACD-43D4-9A1B-AB9474A867BBThe red flag’s been up for awhile but as we are kind ov far away and tucked  out of the way, we assumed it was for other people not for us. But this week the PTBs have decided that no one should go out at all. The reason is the covid pandemic.  I am living alone on my sailboat and sailing it alone in this out of the way bay on the not so busy north sea of Cortez.  I’m naturally socially distant  so I don t teally understand the problem.

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Un commentaire sur “About port captains

  1. Tom Meshew dit :

    I hear the fine is now 80,000 pesos.

    Sonora’s talking about sealing the border with Arizona, but such an order is supposed to be issued by the feds, not states.

    I will test it next week.

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